Sunday 24 May 2020

Fictionizer Wave 5


  1. Very creative how he becomes someone in real life!! Would love it if these captions were longer so we get more out of them. That's just a nitpick. Very creative idea though to do a reality show. Loving these! Keep it up!

  2. I'm curious if he possessed the real Kim in his own world - or if he's in an alternate universe of his own creation. And what happens when he dies in Kim's body, will he time travel back to when the wave hit him?

    Regardless, his new body is quite fictional! :P

    1. Haha, I'm glad you asked, because I did think about that!

      And yes, my intention is that he's now in an alternate universe, the 'Keeping Up with the Kardashians universe'. Which I imagine is a lot like our universe, only with lots and lots of added girly drama. And then when he dies he will return to the moment of the wave.

    2. Sounds like a horrible alternate universe! Far scarier than the Star Wars or Rick and Morty ones haha :P

    3. Haha, worth it for Kim's body though :)
